More and more MP3 players are being released each and every year due to the popularity of these with both adults and children. Another thing you should also understand is that MP3 players are now coming with platforms which can allow these devices to do a lot of different things. And due to this many folks are always looking for the newest players in order to ensure that they have the newest features available. If you're one of the people trying to find the newest technology you may possibly want to have a look at the Samsung Galaxy 5.0 Android MP3 Player.
The 5 inch touch screen that comes included with this device is among the features that many folks like about this particular unit. Because there plenty of individuals who liked to make use of these units in order to watch movies or even play games you'll most likely appreciate the fact that they have included 800 x 480 resolution. Plenty of individuals these days want to make certain that their products have high definition which is among the reasons this unit has become so popular. Yet another thing I'd like to point out would be that this actually includes speakers built into the product so you don't need to use the headphones unless you wish to.
You're going to understand that this device comes with 8 GB of memory, but if you happen to need more room you'll be able to expand this with the SD card slot that comes integrated into this unit. And for individuals who want to store a lot of movies on this device you will see that with the expandable memory you will be able to save over 50 hours of video. You're in addition going to see that you will have the ability to watch more than one video before the battery dies, actually if you only use this for video the battery will last for around 8 hours.
If you happen to purchase one of the 32 GB memory cards for this item you're going to see that you ought to be able to save more than 10,000 audio files on this device. For individuals who decide to break that down you're also going to find that you will be getting more than 650 hours of audio.
For people wondering just how much this product is selling for right now, you are going to find that it can be bought on Amazon for $239. For those of you who would like to know what other men and women think about this device before buying you are going to find over 220 are reviews on Amazon relating to this product.
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