
Rate of Technological Advancement Today

According to a research service, Technology Profits Confidential, these past 50 years have seen more technological improvement compared to what were invented in the previous five millennia. The pace at which technology is advancing has certainly been amplified over the past few decades.

Technology Then and Now

With the increased rate of the invention of technology, it might have left the market bewildered as to how to cope with every new technology that is introduced to them. An obvious example would be the cassette Walkman. It allowed people to listen to the radio or their music on the move. The earlier models of Walkman were clunky but the developers eventually learned to size them down. Now people can download a Microsoft Office procuct key code or a Microsoft windows product key code with the click of a button you are hyper connected to the global economic landscape.

But with the introduction of compact discs and its feature that allows you to choose the track that youd like to play as well as its better sound quality, the cassette Walkman was buried in oblivion. Then came the MP3 players, which in turn, shoved the CD Walkman off the market, with its small and perfectly portable size.

More than the MP3 players, you can access music more easily through the Internet. A few clicks of the mouse would get you listening to your favorite songs and even watching their music videos on YouTube, download the hottest tracks off the online digital media store, or listen to your music collection on your phone.

This evolution in the music industry has just come from Paul Eislers invention of the printed circuit board in 1936. The PCB is the reason why devices seem to be shrinking but with more functionality as time goes by. This started the engine of invention that led to the accelerated development of devices these days.

You can picture the rate of technological advancement better with this example. On February 4 of this year, lab-grown human embryonic stem cells were developed in Edinburgh, Scotlands Heriot-Watt University in the UK. A day after that, robotic innovators launched Rex (Robotic Exoskeleton), a 56 bionic man with artificially engineered organs and the ability to process words and speak intelligibly because of his algorithm program. Israel developed the EyeSight Technologies within the same month. Similar technonlogy is going into the new Adobe products you can try by downloading an Adobe Acrobat serial number. It is the first commercial gesture technology in the world that can be used to control digital devices simply with the use of a fingertip, an invention that may make touch-screens obsolete.

Picture yourself as an individual who rode a time a capsule from the 1980s to the present year of 2013. Would you understand just how amazing a smartphone is despite its size? Thats how fast technology has been advancing these past few decades.

Technological Advancement and Regulation Implementation

A common issue discussed along with the speed of technological advancement is about the guidelines used by the industry. As Moores Law has become evident with the doubling of the complexity factor of technology, its hard to tell where the world of technology is going to be headed. As the pace of technological inventions picks up over time, you barely have time to learn a new technology in and out before it transforms into something even better but even more complex. In the end, you will be left with an outdated analysis of a technology that is already replaced with a more modern one.

